Saturday, October 16, 2010

7 Quick Takes - Saturday Edition

The winter clothes are in our drawers, the summer clothes are in the attic, the windows are sealed and the heat is now on.  Andrea and I finally succumbed to the approaching winter season.  In fact, today was the first day we've had heat running through out house.  This is always one of the saddest days of the year for me because it marks the beginning of ridiculously high energy bills.  Our apartment is old and drafty, so it doesn't hold up well against the elements.  Pretty soon, I'll have to buy my first ever snow shovel because that last blizzard we had in March claimed the life of our old one.  Winter -- here we come.

Yesterday, I was observed by the head of the math department at BCC.  From the conversation we had after class, it sounded like I did well.  However, it was certainly far from perfect.  Because I haven't been in the traditional public school setting for a while, it was a good reminder that I still need to work on the many different aspects of effective teaching mathematics.  I wonder if this was a test for me to see if I would be picking up more section(s) next semester.  We'll find out soon!

After a slow start, October is producing its fair share of subbing days.  Already I have three days tucked away with another one on Wednesday.  I've been studiously been working on lesson plans for the BCC as ofter as I can so that I can continue taking assignments and earning what will become Christmas money.  Forget retail; subbing is the way to go.

Sunday school has been going well so far.  I'm actually enjoying it more than I thought; I hope the children are too.  The answers to some of the questions have been well above what I had expected and they have even taught me as well.  Attendance leaves something to be desired though.  Apart from two kids, its sporadic in who shows up, but consistent in that we never have more than four or five children per Sunday.  It's kinda a drag for curriculum I have "planned" out, but I suppose consistency one of the keys to any successful educational program - spiritual or academic.

Mission groups on Wednesday night as gone equally as well.  I'm excited to have such a talkative and eagerly participating group.  It's reminiscent of the days spent at Alfred and all the great conversations that would occur on a weekly basis.  This group in particular is also unusual in that it contains a lot of people with multiple collegiate degrees from a multitude of disciplines.  Although it provides for very rich conversations, I also pray in hopes that its tangents doesn't lead us off on too many bunny trails.

In what's being reported as unbelievable, this year my fantasy football team, Favre's Turf Toe, is a perfect 5-0 on the season thus far, despite not drafting (fortunately) Favre himself.  Even better, hockey is officially 5ish games into the season, and it's all but certain that my team, Malkin in the Middle, will be on top of my fantasy hockey league, despite not drafting (unfortunately) Malkin himself.  Bad news?  The Pens are struggling with a 2-3-0 record right now.  *Gag*

Although the fall leaves this year were less than stellar because of the strange heat and cold waves over the past two months, Andrea and I went out last Saturday taking pictures of what we thought might come out well.  While out, we also scored geocache #29 (left army guy, picked up dinosaur) for team Golden Grunty.  And writing this just reminded me... Tom: with all the hiking you're doing in South Korea, think you can score us some caches?  Surely Team Ferret's empire-like reach hasn't infiltrated the caches in your fine country.

Looking for more quick takes?  See Jen.

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