Teaching the college level course at BCC this semester has been different than what I had previously expected. Although statistics is a 100-level class, it has become frighteningly evident that my particular group of students are not as hard working or as motivated as my previous class of "lower-level" students taking their developmental math class. I have a number of theories why this might happen.
(1) One could simply be that the statistics class' backs are not against the wall like those taking the developmental math. Specifically, all my students last year had to pass the course, so they could be admitted into their desired majors or gain access to a math class that they need to take in order to graduate. Failing the class would result in graduating behind scheduling and spending more money. Those taking statistics can simply choose another class down the line, or take it again next semester without as much fear.
(2) Secondly, some of the statistics students may have taken a semester break from mathematics and are now returning to a world they wish they could forget. After all, I am not ignorant of the math phobia that runs deep in public schools and other learning institutions; most students will avoid them at all costs.
(3) And finally, three, people have a general fear of statistics because they are scared about working with lists of numbers. Although I certainly won't deny that numbers are heavily used in the course, it is also one of the most theoretical and literacy based subject in mathematics, and that I believe is the reason why so many people hate statistics after leaving it.
Feel free to comment other ideas that might be causing this lack of motivation.
Since we're on the topic of education, I would like to announce that Soli Deo Gloria (forever to the abbreviated as SDG) elected me to the "The Board" last Tuesday. For those of you who aren't in close proximity to my personal life, they are the premier (and only) classical Christians school in the Southern Tier. Currently we currently educate children in grades K-6, but are looking to expand to 7th and 8th grade before next school year. If you're looking for more information about the school, feel free to check the website, which might be under some aesthetic construction over the next few months.
However, I did not write to gloat or brag about my new position. In fact, the opposite is more true. Especially in New York state, it requires little effort to find an article about how a school district is making poor choices leading, but not limited to, consolidations, position cuts, lower quality education, or reduced extra-curricular activities. Although administrators and superintendents may be responsible for poor managing, ultimately, these decisions are controlled and influenced by the school board. Taking on such a position, requires tremendous amounts of discernment and vision, both of which I fear I may not have when presented with a difficult decision. By far and large, this is the most complex and challenging situation I have ever participated in, so it is my prayer, and my prayer request for you, that God works in me and the other board members to not only manage a school that educates people, but also, and more importantly, to glorify God alone, as the school name implies.
Over the past few weeks, Andrea has also begun to tackle the hurdles that stand between her and running a successful photography business. Although she has been actively involved and making some money in her photography, in the past she has not been very ambitious to deal with the more legal and business aspects regarding the trade. However, now she is now fully prepared to take in any clients for weddings, family pictures, senior portraits, or any other photography project. If none of those interest you, then you can still check out her fine art and order prints in almost any size you can possibly imagine. Her newly updated website is now online and looking very snazzy.
I am anxiously anticipating the official arrival of Spring. Although I am already a strong advocate of warm temperatures and the natural transformations it brings, I have yet another reason why I await its return: Christmas. Specifically, I got a bike for Christmas this past year and although it is sleek and attractive to the eye, I much rather be exercising a healthy practices and greatly reducing my monthly gas costs by riding it to and fro. Hopefully the weather will get nice soon so I can start all of the adventures that we've been planning for the last few months.