Saturday, March 12, 2011

Mission Group Pictures

Last weekend our mission group helped an elderly couple with a rotting bathroom floor.  Even though pictures were taken of the tiling project exclusively, the group also cleaned the upstairs bathroom, gave a haircut, cared for their pet cat, and cleaned couches.

It was fun and exciting to be actively serving in a community.  Personally, it was a pleasure to work with Elisabeth in her element and we were all very impressed with Pisey's expansive knowledge of tiling.  Kellie had the foresight and realization that busy people need nourishment and supplied breakfast and two lunches for everyone involved.  In addition, she assisted in cutting tile and cleaning the filthy upstairs bathroom.  Because of her previous experiences in cutting hair, Andrea gave one of our hosts a haircut, and afterwards cared for an injured house cat.

For those who are interested about the floor, check out this transformation:

STAGE 1: Pisey leading the way in removing the linoleum and rotting plywood.
Stage 1 Completed: Not a half-bad looking wooden floor either.
STAGE 2:  Laying down the core tiles.  Had to stop to cut the missing border tiles.  End of Day 1.

STAGE 3: The border tiles are now installed with grout and sealant applied.  After drying, the toilet was reinstalled.
Here are some action shots:

Elisabeth and me tearing up the old floor.
Pisey spreading cement for the tile.

Pisey calling out measurements for the border tiles.

...And Elisabeth carefully marking them down.
As a public announcement to anyone reading this, our mission group is a community that reads, studies and converses about the Bible on a weekly basis.  In addition, we eagerly want to be present and impacting in the Southern Tier community.  If you're interested meeting with us or want more information, let me know and I'll be delighted to share.  Also, if you know a person or group looking for volunteers to fill a need, please inform me of that opportunity for our group to serve.


  1. That's cool. I didn't realize your group was actively people in the community. How grateful this person must be!

  2. I meant actively involved with.

  3. thats pretty cool joe. wish i had something like that around here.

  4. Thanks, Samantha. This was our first attempt and we really enjoyed it thoroughly. The couple was very happy and humbled with our work done.

    @ Jeff. If you want to get involved with something like this, you should start one. It really isn't much work outside of a regular Bible study. You can do it on your own, or pitch the idea to the church. If you want to know more about it, e-mail me and I'll get you the full scope of it.

  5. Wow!!! Y'all really did some serious work. Good stuff!!
