Friday, April 1, 2011

7 Quick Takes: 2011 #4

Haven't done one of these in a while!
When I was substitute teaching Last Friday, I sprained my ankle while playing dodgeball with the kids in gym.  The actually day I was injured was rather painful and intense, but what is surprising me most is that this injury is more annoying, nagging and demanding of my care then any other injury I've had.  And yes, that does include my previous 4 broken arms.  In other words, I'm learning the virtues of not being reckless with one's own body, and it's frustrating me to no end...

... But that didn't stop me from going geocaching the next day with Adam and Anna!  Much to my wife's disdain and disapproval, the four of us went out anyway to Airport Road in Binghamton, NY to conduct our searches.  Anna found her first and second caches on her first and second tries; needless to say, she was quite excited about her finds:
Anna's first find ever!

And just to show how carefully hidden some of the smaller caches are, take a look where Adam (aka "Boy Scout") found our third of the day:
Boy Scout finds our toughest caches.
About 4 feet up, on the backside of the tree.
Although I wasn't too excited about it at first, I lost a statistics class to BCC's convocation day.  Since their first projects were due at the end of the week, I extended my office hours this week.  In a turn for the awesome, not only did many students show up for office hours and turned in the project, but I also finished all my lessons and wrote the unit test - which will last me to Spring Break.  After grading the projects all weekend, I'll be enjoying a week of relaxing foolishness on the couch with my sprained ankle.

News Flash: This is upstate New York.  We aren't guaranteed snowless, 50-degree days until May.  Any nice, warm days we receive before the first of May is given to us by the great Weather God's generosity or twisted, dark-humor.

Mission Group on Wednesday nights have continued to go amazingly well.  Since "The Merger" (no, this isn't Survivor), conversations have been Spirit-filled, fellowship has been deep, and I am starting to notice my own and other people's spiritual growth.  Best news yet, you ask?  We just hemmed in a recent believer in Christ who is passionate to know more about following Christ and isn't afraid to ask (lots of) questions.  I like it that way; it's refreshing.

Had an unexpected visit from my Best Man, Kenni, on Tuesday night.  In an ever-so-fortunate situation, he had a friend visit another friend who lives in Binghamton.  Kenni bummed a ride from him and I got to spend about 7 hours with him, which included some much needed catching-up and, of course, watching Penguins hockey.  However, he was quick (and right) to remind me that I haven't visited him up in Rochester yet.  Sounds like a summer weekend trip is long overdue.

Since I haven't included a link yet, check out this little nugget that's been hanging around the Internet for a while. It's an awesome look at the width, breath, and depth of God's amazing creation.

As always, feel free to check out Jen's takes.

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