Friday, May 6, 2011

7 Quick Takes: 2011 #6

I'm finally putting some quality miles on my bike now that the weather is nice.  Although I've only been out three times, I've put about 13 miles on it.  The biggest adventure so far has been a 5.6 mile ride starting from home and going to Good Shepherd.  Since it was on a Thursday evening, I was also able to score a free dinner as well.  Once I buy a lock for the bike, it will be my vehicle of choice for all my local needs.

Also because of the nice weather, Andrea and I cleaned our apartment from top to bottom.  A clean home is a happy home.

There is still a few duties to take care of, but I wrote the final exam for my statistics class today.  This is a wonderful achievement to have this (miserable) class over with.  Even though I eliminated an entire chapter, there is too much material and too little time to cover it effectively; it feels like I'm teaching a public school class with a regents exam.  I'm looking forward to teaching developmental and remedial classes from now until December for BCC.

The annual mid-western vacation is returning for a second year at the end of the month.  Andrea, Kellie and I will be travelling out to South Bend, Indiana for four-to-six day vacation with Jessica Zekus.  Last year, when Andrea and I went by ourselves, we transversed five states and got a great scenic tour of Chicago.  Since we're heading out in late-spring instead of early-spring, I'm looking forward to spending a good time outdoors, and of course, geocaching.

I was surprised by the Holy Spirit twice this week.  Once was when I called churches to advertise for Soli Deo Gloria's open house this upcoming Tuesday.  Considering that we worship at an Anglican church, but teach at a Methodist church, I was worried about how willing other local denominations would be to give us a hand.  But out of seven churches I called, six of them agreed to post the announcement flyers for us.  I am very grateful that this area has churches willing to give us a helping hand despite our minute differences.

The second surprise came after Mission Group was over on Wednesday.  It's not unusual for there to be a good amount of chatter after we formally end, however, a group of six of us felt convicted to pray for the city of Binghamton and how our group specifically can share Jesus with them.  Although it's difficult to put into words, but if you have experienced a communal prayer time when you know the Holy Spirit was in your midst, you'd know what I'm talking about.  And a prayer time like that doesn't go away and it impacts you for days, weeks and months.  So please pray for us as we make godly discernments and choices that bring the kingdom of God a bit closer to this city.

I have a few summer projects that I'm hoping to accomplish.  The biggest of which is writing an essay on how all churches should and need to be more tolerant and embracing of other denominations that are in good standing with Scripture.  Apart from 1 Corinthians and Romans, I would be delighted if anyone could send me other large passages of the Bible that deal directly with that message.

For more takes, see Jen.

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