Saturday, August 13, 2011

Week's End

Missed Friday's deadline for Seven Quick Takes.  So instead, you get a Saturday edition of the same thing.

Interview Results.  I've been waiting patiently by the phone waiting to see if I'd get a callback from the interview I had last Wednesday, but alas, it seems that nothing immediate will yield from this adventure.  Although slightly frustrated with the whole ordeal, I can't say that I'm surprised.  Considering the size and influence of the potential employer, I knew there would be an impressive set of candidates.  With my lack of experience, I knew my back against the wall, and underdogs rarely end up winning.

Teaching Sabbath.  This past Thursday, I awarded the eight surviving students with muffins and orange juice - a power breakfast - before the final exam.  So with classes taking a two week break before Fall semester, there are a number of personal projects I want to get done.  If I don't get them done now, I won't get a more perfect opportunity to compete them until... *gulp*... December.  Better get going!

Vehicle Problems.  Just when Andrea and I thought we had outrun the automotive curse, our truck took a horrible turn for the awful last Monday.  I can't determine if it's a problem with the axle or transmission, but either way I greatly fear that the cost will be high.  And even though the idea of having only one vehicle doesn't terrify me, Binghamton is not very conducive to winter biking.  Tough decisions ahead.

Mission Group Resumes.  Wednesday was the reunion of our Mission Group.  There is great power and comfort in intentionally studying the Bible among friends.  God has designed us to pray and play together, and when it's done a small piece of Heaven fills the room.  If you aren't linked in some for of Bible study, find one and witness the wonders that God will perform in your lives.

Sibling's Visit.  Before Adam and Becca leave for college, Andrea and I wanted to spend a fun-filled day with them exclusively.  A (failed) attempt to geocache led us to Finch Hollow Nature Center.  The girls brought their cameras and took tons of pictures, which you can view a small sampling of.

Me wearing bearskin.
Becca posing with her natural kin.

Wild man in his natural habitat.
The pond behind the nature center.
Friend's Homecoming.  Both Kellie and Jerry have returned to Binghamton!  Kellie spent two months in Rhode Island and Jerry has been serving with the New York City Urban Project (NYCUP) for a month.  Both of them are integral parts to the Good Shepherd community and having them back will be a blessing to this area.  Make sure to take some time to talk to them about their adventures!

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