Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Back to Bass-ics and a Rant about Facebook

Yesterday, I rediscovered my bass guitar.  Although I usually find enough to fill my day, I haven't been doing anything musical since my senior year of college (2008), when I was in chorus for a semester.  I started playing my bright red electric bass back when I asked for it as a Christmas gift a few years back.  At the time, I was singing with the InterVarsity worship team, but I wanted to contribute a bit more an expand my musical abilities.  However, I only stuck with it for about five months, then dropped it over the summer.  Since that summer, it has been effectively collecting dust.

... and so has my ability to play it.  Thankfully, I kept the beginners book, so I started on page 1 and worked my way though.  Some of memory came back as I was playing.  I hope to keep this up and play once or twice a week so it doesn't fade again.

Meanwhile, I am feeling more and more inclined to dropping my Facebook account, or at the very least, restricting a lot of my information on it - maybe even removing information if need be.  I find Facebook's tactics to sell information for money a detestable practice.  Yet, if I do nothing about it, I will be contributing.  Yet, alternatively, I want to be able to impact and influence my friends (especially unsaved friends), and I find Facebook as an outlet for doing so.  Over the course of the next few weeks, I think I will come to a decision.

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