Saturday, July 17, 2010

7 Quick Takes - A Day Late

1. The children's VBS program went wonderfully.  Although I wish we would set a time where we can all meet and talk about ways to improve it.  I don't know if the message was delivered clearly enough to the children, but it sounds like the adult class happening at the same time had some good stuff happening.

2.  I feel much more connected now to Good Shepherd than before this week started.  Spending time with the same people all week and depending on them to get a task done really gives you an opportunity to get to know them.  VBS might as well be something for adults as it is for children.

3.  The job is currently in "limbo" status and I expect it to crash and burn.  I'm making this judgment based on the fact that when I was told to call yesterday about the future status, the person who is in charge seeming avoided calling me.  In my amassed experience in job failing, that means they are waiting for someone (who isn't me) to confirm the position.  The "Champion of Second Place" strikes again.

4.  Finished watching Avatar: The Last Airbender cartoon series with Andrea on Thursday.  I am thoroughly impressed (especially by Nickelodeon) on how well the characters developed and changed, and also how much they force you to pay attention to small details in every episode.  Additionally, I applaud them on their effort to not continue the series until popularity dies out.  Having a terminal episode and knowing when to stop making new episodes is the key to making sure a favorite series doesn't "burn out."  This is something I'd like to see more in media as a whole.

5.  On Friday, my wife and I went to see The Last Airbender movie with my brother and sister-in-law.  If you have watched the cartoon, don't bother going.  You'll be utterly disappointed and angry with the entire movie, which struggles to even get plot devices working properly.  If you haven't see the cartoon and plan on seeing the movie, rent the cartoon series on Netflicks immediately after.  It's a beautifully created series and the movie(s) will not give it justice.

6.  My mom left for Vermont on Monday after a number of days here on vacation.  It was nice having her come down and spend some time with her.  Andrea and I got the chance to talk to her about churches in general before she left.  It's been one of my lifetime prayers that she would come to know who Christ is and accept what He has done for her.  However, this week I realized more so than ever that this road is long and much more prayer and time with her is going to be required.

7.  I'm looking forward to really getting into the thick of things regarding the tutoring I'm doing this summer.  It's been a day here and there, but now with the regents about a month away, it's time to hammer down.  Making mini-lessons and watching my only student grow and learn to the material is confirmation that teaching is what I want to do.  If nothing else, VBS is a small period of bliss in the huge ocean that is the summer.  Barring the summer weekends at the lake, bring on the school year; I'm getting bored.

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